Encore Info Research Report says Semiconductor Market for Smart TV and Connected Devices expected to reach $US 10.6 Billion by 2017

Santa Clarita, California, June 13, 2013 – Encore Info has announced the publication of its new worldwide market research report for the semiconductor components that provide the connectivity and processing performance for connected and smart TVs, set-top boxes, and Blu-Ray players. The research report “Connected/Smart Device Semiconductor Forecast 2011-2017” is a new study of the global and regional shipments of both connected and smart systems that incorporate or add connectivity and application processing to TVs. This report combines the connected and smart TV circuits researched into one segment because the industry has not yet converged on a nomenclature that differentiates between connected TVs and smart TVs.

By 2017, Encore Info forecasts that the global market for semiconductor components providing the connectivity and application support in connected and smart TV and auxiliary devices will reach 10.6 Billion US Dollars. The bills-of-material for a connected system, whether integrated into the TV or provided by an external device, such as a set-top box or Blu-Ray player include different specialized processors (DSP, control, graphics, and application), radio modules, optional USB and Ethernet interfaces, and memories.
According to principal analyst Robert Cravotta the connected/smart TV market presents significant new opportunities for any company to profit from providing the hardware to execute applications that will help consumers take advantage of smart TVs.

Worldwide Connected TV/Blu-Ray/STB Semiconductor Revenue

The report incorporates both semiconductor market research forecasts and technical insights based on the experience of Encore Info’s team. It includes forecasts of global and regional shipments of connected devices through 2017 plus aspects of software differentiation.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary
Worldwide Semiconductor Revenue
List of Figures
List of Tables
An Example of a Simple System
Market Development
Software Helps Differentiates Platforms
The Smart TV Alliance
Independent Development Ecosystems
Semiconductor Worldwide Revenue and Shipments
Connectivity Components
Imagination Technologies
MIPS (Imagination Technologies)
Sigma Designs
Wipro Technologies
Significant Opportunities but Too Early to Call
Board Level Microcomputers
Thumb Drive Microcomputers
FXI Technologies
The Average Cost of Components per Connected System
Connected TVs
Connected Blu-Ray Players
Connected STBs
Connected TVs - Regional
Connected Blu-Ray Players - Regional
Connected Set-Top Boxes - Regional
Bills of Materials


List of Figures

Figure 1. Worldwide Connected TV Semiconductor Revenue ($US Millions)
Figure 2. Connected Blu-Ray Player Block Diagram
Figure 3. Imagination Technologies’ Digital Media Block Diagram
Figure 4. Marvell ARMADA 1500 (88DE3100) SoC Block Diagram
Figure 5. Marvell Google TV Reference Design Block Diagram
Figure 6. MIPS ISA cores support integration with various modules and ASEs
Figure 7. Block diagram of the Sigma Designs HiDTV Pro-Fusion SoC
Figure 8. Sigma Designs’ block diagram of a typical smart TV application
Figure 9. Wipro Technologies’ smart TV software framework
Figure 10. FXI Technologies Cotton Candy thumb-drive-like system


List of Tables

Table 1. Worldwide Connected TV/Blu-Ray/STB Semiconductor Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 2. Worldwide Connected TV/Blu-Ray/STB Shipments (units Millions) 2011-2017
Table 3. Average Cost of BOM Specific to Connected TV/Blu-Ray/STB ($US) 2011-2017
Table 4. Worldwide Connected TV Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 5. Worldwide Connected Blu-Ray Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 6. Worldwide Connected STB Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 7. Connected TV Regional Shipments (units Millions) 2011-2017
Table 8. Connected TV Regional Semiconductor Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 9. Connected Blu-Ray Regional Shipments (Units Millions) 2011-2017
Table 10. Connected Blu-Ray Regional Semiconductor Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 11. Connected STB Regional Shipments (units Millions) 2011-2017
Table 12. Connected STB Regional Semiconductor Revenue ($US Millions) 2011-2017
Table 13. Average Connected/Smart TV BOM Cost ($US) 2011-2017
Table 14. Average Connected Blu-Ray BOM Cost ($US) 2011-2017
Table 15. Average Connected/Smart STB Cost ($US) 2011-2017


The new 40-page report and accompanying spreadsheets are available electronically through Encore Info for the introductory price of $1995 for a single user.

Please contact Robert Cravotta at robert.cravotta@encoreinfo.com or 1-661-296-5096 for more information.